Horse Stall Mats


BELMONDO Basic is a premium rubber horse mat designed for stalls, providing comfortable softness and slip-resistance. Its interlocking edges make installation easy, and it’s available in options to suit your needs.

Economical Horse Stall Mat

  • Soft and Slip-Resistant
  • Thickness: 3/4″
  • Dimensions: 39″ x 39″

BELMONDO Horse Mat Literature

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BELMONDO Basic is the perfect solution for horse stall mats with its comfortably soft and slip-resistant design. Designed for use in stalls, this premium rubber mat is easy to install with its interlocking edges. Whether you need a one-piece horse stall mat or multiple mats for larger stalls, BELMONDO Basic provides the perfect combination of performance and durability that you can rely on.

Get your horse stall mats from Agromatic today!

More About BELMONDO Horse Mats

KRAIBURG not only provides high quality mats for cow comfort, they also have a team dedicated to horse mats!

BELMONDO rubber flooring is:

  • Comfortable: Soft and insulating – pleasant to lie or stand on.
  • Natural: Horse-friendly surface for the entire stable.
  • Quiet: Creates a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Economical: Less bedding, less work means more time for your horse!

BELMONDO offers premium equine stall mats, walkway mats and specialty mats for all areas of your facility as well as horse trailer mats.

Click here for our other BELMONDO products

Alfombrillas para Establos de Caballos

BELMONDO Basic es una alfombrilla de goma económica y de primera calidad diseñada específicamente para establos de caballos.

Ofrece una suavidad cómoda y es antideslizante, lo que garantiza seguridad para el uso equino.

La alfombrilla tiene bordes entrelazados para una instalación fácil y está disponible en un tamaño de 39″ x 39″ con un grosor de 3/4".

Este producto proporciona una solución ideal para cualquier persona que necesite alfombrillas de establo para caballos de alto rendimiento y durabilidad, asegurando la comodidad y seguridad de los caballos mientras facilita una configuración fácil.