Cross Ventilated Dairy Barn

A cross ventilated dairy barn employs a specialized ventilation mechanism designed for dairy barns, where fans installed on one side of the structure generate a lateral air movement throughout the barn’s width. This method establishes a “cross” pattern of airflow, ensuring consistent and efficient ventilation across the entire barn space. This system is particularly beneficial in maintaining optimal air quality and temperature conditions, crucial for the health and productivity of dairy cattle. By facilitating a steady exchange of indoor and outdoor air, cross-ventilation systems help in managing humidity levels, removing contaminants, and providing a comfortable environment for the animals, thereby enhancing overall farm operational efficiency and animal welfare in dairy farming operations.

World Dairy Expo 2018 PMAC Direct Drive Fans reveal.

New Product: PMAC Direct Drive Fans

October 2, 2018 /

Introducing our new PMAC Direct Drive Fans! The new direct drive line of fans with PMAC (Permanent Magnet Alternating Current) motors will revolutionize the dairy industry! By controlling the motors with Lenze drives, we will be able to achieve a 10-20% power savings and or 10-20% more air flow CFM (Cubic Feet Per Minute). The final…

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84" direct drive barn fan (exhaust).

84-inch / 2.13-meter Direct Drive Exhaust Fan

October 31, 2017 /

84-inch / 2.13-meter Exhaust Fan Looking for a monster fan this Halloween? Check out the costume on this guy!  We call him “The Shredder!” :X :X

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