Zinke Dairy – Stanfield, AZ

Craig Zinke interview at dairy farm in Stanfield, AZ.

A Pinnacle of Technological Advancement in Stanfield, AZ

At Zinke Dairy in Stanfield, Arizona, the fusion of advanced technology and intentional design creates an exceptional environment for dairy operation. With a clear focus on efficiency and cow comfort, the dairy exemplifies the best practices in the field, supported by a strong partnership with Agromatic. Zinke Dairy utilizes 1" thick KRAIBURG KURA and KRAIBURG MONTA cattle traction mats, ensuring that their facilities are not only effective but also enhance the well-being of their 5,000 milk cows.

Advanced Facilities Designed for Cow Comfort

The core of Zinke Dairy’s operation is its innovative 100-cow rotary milking parlor—one of BouMatic’s first stainless steel designs, tailored specifically for the dairy. Craig Zinke, the owner and an experienced engineer, has meticulously crafted every aspect of the dairy to optimize both functionality and comfort. The entire facility is equipped with tunnel vent barns and insulated buildings, unique features in Arizona, designed to maintain productivity and comfort even during the intense heat of summer months.

Craig Zinke explains, “This place was built in 2016. We milk 5000 cows. We milk them two and a half times a day. This dairy is all Agromatic mats, on the rotary, in the holding pen, on all the exit lanes and entry lanes and all the corrals are all Agromatic. So, the whole place is 100% rubber mats.”

Click here to visit the BouMatic website.

This dairy is all Agromatic mats, on the rotary, in the holding pen, on all the exit lanes and entry lanes and all the prowls are all Agromatic. So, the whole place is 100% rubber mats.

Craig Zinke owner of Zinke Dairy
KRAIBURG alley rubber flooring at an Arizona dairy farm.

The Importance of Rubber Mats

One distinctive feature of Zinke Dairy is its comprehensive use of milking parlor rubber mats throughout the facility. These mats play a critical role in ensuring the cows’ comfort and are preferred by the animals over traditional concrete floors. Craig elaborates on the benefits: “The cows love walking on the rubber mats... We've got a two-foot strip right there exiting the rotary. They all walk on the rubber. They know where it’s at. It’s no different than when they come out of the corrals to get milked, they’ll double file on the rubber mats all to walk out of it. They don't want to walk on concrete.”

The cows love walking on the rubber mats... They don't want to walk on concrete.

Craig Zinke owner of Zinke Dairy

Reflecting on the Operation’s Success

Ismael Jimenez from United Dairymen of Arizona, speaks highly of Zinke Dairy’s operation and its satisfaction with Agromatic’s products: “This operation has been operating since five years ago. They are KRAIBURG customers, they are repeat customers. They have mats throughout the facility. They have mats on the deck, on the alleyways holding a pen. They are really happy with the product.”

Click here to view the United Dairymen of Arizona's website.

Challenges and the Unique Nature of Zinke Dairy

Despite the challenges posed by fluctuating milk prices, Craig remains optimistic about the dairy’s robust infrastructure and the thoughtful engineering behind it. He describes the uniqueness of his dairy, emphasizing the tailored construction and design: “It's one of the few places that has all this rubber in it. One of the only places that's fully sustained in the 115 degree weather, because the whole place has cooled down. It's all insulated. I don't know of any other dairy in the world that has a facility like this.” Craig continues, "It took a long time and a lot of engineering to make this work. Can't draw up plans when there's nobody else that even has a facility like this. This is one of one."

Green factory icon. Click here to read why KRAIBURG rubber is the environmentally safe choice for farmers, their families, cows, and milk. Especially in 115 degree weather!

It took a long time and a lot of engineering to make this work. Can't draw up plans when there's nobody else that even has a facility like this. This is one of one.

Craig Zinke owner of Zinke Dairy

Enhancing Animal Welfare with EasySwing Cow Brushes

Zinke Dairy prioritizes animal welfare with EasySwing Cow Brushes, supplied exclusively in the USA by Agromatic Inc. These brushes enhance the dairy environment by providing the cattle with self-grooming benefits that improve both comfort and cleanliness. Operating without electricity, the brushes are an eco-friendly solution that supports the health and hygiene of the animals.

The most robust model, the Large Cow Brush, caters to various animal sizes, from small calves to large bulls, ensuring durability and accessibility. Craig Zinke, the owner of Zinke Dairy, observes, “The cows actively seek out the brushes. It's clear they enjoy the comfort, akin to a daily spa treatment, which positively impacts their health and our productivity.”

The cows actively seek out the brushes. It's clear they enjoy the comfort, akin to a daily spa treatment, which positively impacts their health and our productivity.

Craig Zinke owner of Zinke Dairy

Looking Ahead

As for the future, Craig continues to think ahead, constantly planning for further advancements and enhancements to his dairy. His proactive and innovative mindset ensures that Zinke Dairy remains at the cutting edge of dairy farming technology and cow comfort. "I'm working on some ideas. I'm always thinking ahead. I'm forward thinking," Craig states

Zinke Dairy stands as a monumental example of how engineering, technology, and a deep commitment to animal welfare can converge to create a leading-edge dairy operation. With its unique design and the strategic use of Agromatic’s products, Zinke Dairy not only sets a high standard in Arizona but also serves as a model for dairy farms across the country.

Zinke Dairy Media

Zinke Dairy Photo Gallery

Kurt Loehr: Agromatic Sales Representative for California

Sales representative Kurt Loehr talking with Craig Zinke about cow mats in front of the Boumatic milking parlor (pictured in the background).

Kurt Loehr is an experienced Cow Comfort Consultant. In his role at Agromatic, Kurt applies his firsthand experience with cow comfort solutions for the benefit of other dairymen, aiming to enhance dairy profitability through improved cow welfare. Additionally, he services Caballero Dairy and California, bringing his deep passion for dairy farming to the forefront of his sales and consultancy work.


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Featured Cow Comfort Products from this Installation

Milking Parlor Mats

Cattle Traction Mats

Large Cattle Brush

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