New York Farm Show

Syracuse, New York

02/20/2025 thru 02/22/2025

The New York Farm Show has been the leading farm show in the Northeast since 1985. The show hosts more than 400 exhibitors displaying the latest in farm equipment, tractors, combines and farm implements; seed and crop protection products; farm supplies and services, dairy and beef production, woodlot and related industry supplies.

We are showcasing our softest, most durable stalls mats:

  • KEW Plus is 2-1/2″ thick and comes as individual stall mats that can cover stalls from 45-1/2″ up to 53-1/2″ Kraiburg: KEW Plus Individual Stall Mats.
  • WELA LongLine is 2″ thick and comes in a 64′ continuous stall mat roll
  • KKM is 1-1/4″ thick and comes in individual stall mats or 65′ continuous stall mat rolls and has been providing premium cow comfort since 2002!

EasySwing® Cow Brush We will also be showing our RELAX Stalls which are our flexible free stalls that provide the ultimate cow comfort. These flexible free stalls are flexible for comfort yet provide enough resistance for proper positioning.

Last, but definitely not least, we are featuring our non-electric cow brushes! EasySwing brushes are easy to assemble, easy to maintain and require ZERO ELECTRICTY.

Located at the New York State Fair Grounds, you can find the Agromatic booth in the Horticulture Building. Don’t forget to ask about show specials!



Agromatic Booth at New York Farm Show